The Coronavirus pandemic that has swept the world has left a lot of damage in a lot of places. We have all been affected in one way or another. We have seen the sacrifices made by those in the medical community and would like to send out a little joy, in the form of chocolate, to at least 50 Heroes.
Each person listed here has been sent a box of chocolates from all of us to say Thank You for all you do for us!
Special thanks to A Specialty Box for their kind donation of 50 Medical-themed boxes.
UPDATE: Thank you for your amazing nominations – we are no longer accepting nominations at this time. I appreciate all of the incredible stories of bravery and selflessness – I was humbled reading through them – true HEROES!!

Premier Medical
Anna nominated her entire department of 18 amazing women, who have been busy helping their patients navigate all that comes with dealing with Covid. They have helped to alleviate the fears and stress of others, and Anna felt that they are deserving of a little treat to help brighten their day. We could not agree more and sent out an extra large box so that all could have a little treat. Thank you ladies!
My daughter is a 25 year old BSN who works in the outpatient infusion center. She.. decided to go into nursing to help others who struggle with chronic illnesses. Although she is immunocompromised, she has not missed a single day of work through this pandemic putting her patients’ health above her own. She is an amazing young woman with a huge heart.
My mom has always been my hero, but even more so now that she’s stepped up to assist in the fight against COVID-19. As an RN in the surgery center, my mom has recently volunteered her nursing skills to the COVID unit at the hospital to care for patients and their families who are suffering from the virus. Before she can come home to us, she undergoes stringent cleaning and showering procedures so she doesn’t bring the virus home. Her patience and resilience during this time as a nurse is truly inspiring!
Brittany is an ER nurse, specializing in mental health. She works long shifts, supporting both patients and coworkers during this horrendous pandemic. In her off time, Brittany supports various local animal rescue/foster groups. She tirelessly works for others, both human and furry. She is a beautiful friend, with a vivacious spirit and a giant heart. I love this woman, and she deserves all the chocolates.
New York
She’s a mom and a nurse and an all around great gal who traveled to NYC to relieve the nurses there. She is just a giver and it would be nice if once in a while she got something in return.Colorado
Nick is a Registered Respiratory Therapist. He works 18 hour shifts right now, while being an amazing father and husband for his family. He cares for each of his patients, and helps out his teammates in ICU with a passion and empathy unmatched by many.
RaVae is an operating room nurse and during this pandemic she organized a few volunteers who made 10,000 masks for employees. She has an autoimmune issue and yet she has still been there to do her part. She is an amazing nurse. She is one of the most beautiful people I know. She is always giving of herself. She will love and deserves this. I hope she gets picked.
Dani is the Emergency Department Manager which was initially designated as a COVID-19, Corona Virus, Hospital for Colorado. She has previous experience as a nurse volunteer in Africa during the Ebola outbreak. Dani has led throughout the entire COVID pandemic, initiating the first triage tent in Colorado for all emergency visits in order to appropriately place patients and reduce COVID exposures for the staff and general public. Dani has worked tirelessly and dedicated herself completely to ensuring her staff and the Denver community remain safe during the most unsettling of times. The Emergency Room was flooded with Corona Virus Patients, and because of Dani’s previous experience in Africa, her dedication to her department, and her personal commitment to her team and her community… effectively and efficiently cared for 500+ COVID patients. Dani’s leadership motivated, inspired, and transformed the mindset of the Emergency Dept. In a time of uncertainty, Dani provided her staff with reassurance and for that she will forever be a hero in the eyes of the Emergency Department.
Jen always goes above and beyond for her patients, comforting them, listening to them, caring for them. Battling COVID on the front lines, Jen gained knowedge of this virus and courageously and selflessly chose to go to New Orleans to help with their fight, taking everything she had learned with her. While most people were tryign to stay safe in their homes, Jen chose to put herself at risk to help others. She is not only an amazing nurse, but a good friend, and without a doubt a HERO.
Tessa is a respiratory therapist working directly with the COVID-19 patients in our hospital. Tessa has been a health care provider on the front lines for over a decade, beginning as an Emergency Medical Technician on an Advanced Life Support ambulance (9-1-1 ambulance) and continuing as a respiratory therapist working with Emergency Room and Intensive Care Unit patients. Her kind competence has been holding our front lines … for years. She’s my healthcare hero.
Allison has been working on the COVID-19 unit at her hospital since this outbreak began. Not only that, she is housing other nurses also working that unit so they aren’t exposing their families to the illness after work.
Ashley was one of the first to volunteer to be part of the team to do COVID testing as the virus first began to show up in the US. This act alone was truly heroic, especially considering how much we learn about the virus every single day, and how much less we knew when she first raised her hand to go into the fire. People became scared to be around her, so her act to help others find answers and treatment for their health ostracized her to some degree. She faced backlash from people around her, as did her husband, for her willingness to be in the face of this pandemic and help others. This did not stop her from continuing to serve. Today, she is out of the testing arena, but continues to work on her unit as a floor nurse, treating COVID patients and providing excellent care and advocacy to her patients. She is a nurse hero who embodies integrity and dedication to the patients she serves and the work that she does.

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