Nominate your Hero here!
We are looking for nurses, doctors, anyone in the medical field who has been affected by COVID 19.
In the form below, please tell us about the Hero you are nominating. We need to have their name, and either an email or phone number to contact them, as well as their shipping address. We also need to know where they work so we can mention that on the Heroes page. We may need to edit your nomination content for length. All nominations are then randomly selected to be honored. We genuinely wish we could honor everyone as they each deserve it. Not all nominees will receive boxes, although we will do our best to send to everyone. We will continue to ship boxes as donations allow.
Shipping within USA.
We understand that there have been many Heroes in the forms of teachers, home caregivers, store workers, etc and we certainly celebrate all of them. However, this campaign is limited to those in the medical field who have been affected by COVID-19 because the boxes we use are medical -themed.
*Please note that a donation does not guarantee that your nomineee will be chosen.
Hero Nomination Form

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